Our adult leagues have a wide range of skill levels. Don’t let inexperience stop you from playing. After all, these are adult recreational leagues.
Great Falls Reston Soccer Club offers 2 options for Adult players:
(for players over 19)
The Adult Pick-up League is registered by an individual for the entire year (September 1 - August 31. Registered players meet on Monday nights in North Reston/Great Falls. Players who turn 19 during the current calendar year, are eligible for this program. This league is co-ed. Times and locations are sent to registered participants.
Player registration is $160 for the year, paid to Great Falls Reston Soccer Club at the time of registration. ALL players MUST register. We will make every effort to accommodate all of those that wish to play.
This league plays year round. Teams play small-sided, 90 minute games, with or without goalies - depending on who volunteers for the position. The games are officiated by an unofficial ref (meaning someone from the group). The pick-up league does not require uniforms, they use pinnies to differentiate teams. Game rules include NO offsides and NO slide tackling.
NEW players are allowed to take part in two games before deciding whether to join. Players who have previously registered (under Great Falls) are required to register before playing on the field.
The main purpose of course of the pick-up league is to have fun, sweat off some of the stress accumulated during the week, and to see familiar faces. While the games can be competitive, this is not the main goal, so any player who is looking for competition should either join the over 35 league or another similar league.
See below to register.
If you have questions about the Adult Pick-up League, please contact the organizer, Behnam at behnamdc2002@yahoo.com
The adult over-35 pickup-up league will play on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings. Start times and field locations will be emailed to registered players (note Tuesday games will likely start in early October due to field availability). The cost for registration is $100 per player PER YEAR starting with the Fall season. The pickup league will use a Captains choice format to ensure play is fair and competitive -teams will be decided prior to the start of play each session. Players should bring a dark and light shirt to each game, shin guards are required.
If you have questions about the Adult Pickup League please contact the organizer, Tim Sheeran at tj1143@aol.com
This league plays three seasons (fall, spring & summer). Teams play 7 vs. 7 (six field players and a goalie) small-sided game, with NO offsides, NO slide tackling, and two 25 minute halves. Otherwise we follow FIFA rules of the game (see complete rules for additional departures from FIFA rules). The games are officiated by GFRSC Referees.
The Over 35 Adult league currently has a wide range of skill levels. Don’t let inexperience stop you from playing. After all, this is an adult recreational league.
The goal of this league is to have fun.
Games will be played on Tuesday nights with kick-off at either 8:30 PM or 9:30 PM. Each game will be 50 minutes comprised of 25-minute halves.
Team rosters shall be limited to 15 players, with a minimum of 8 players. All players on a team must register. Prior to each match: all players must provide a photo ID to verify their status within the team roster; those unable to do so are prohibited from competing in that match.
If you turn 35 years of age anytime during the calendar year of the season, then you are eligible to play.
This is not a men-only or co-ed league. Women may play. There is no requirement for teams to have women on their roster or for a certain number of women on the field.
All play will be governed by FIFA Laws of the Game with the following modifications:
Match Length
Each game will be 50 minutes, comprised of 25-minute halves.
Minimum Number of Players
The playing format is 7v7. Teams must have at least five (5) players to begin the match. The clock begins when the referee signals the start of the match; teams with fewer than five players have a 15-minute grace period before the match is forfeited. Forfeited matches result in a 0-3 score.
Teams are permitted an unlimited number of substitutions. Substitutions may be made by either team at any stoppage, with the exception of corners, indirect and direct kicks, including penalty kicks.
All substitutes require referee approval before entering the field.
Slide Tackles
Slide tackling (sliding and tackling a ball and an opponent) is not permitted at any time, except for goalkeepers, as long as it is in their penalty area and is not feet-first. Sliding for a ball without an opponent present is permitted.
Infractions result in a direct kick; infractions inside the defending team’s penalty area will result in a penalty kick.
Off Side
There is no offside rule.
Goalkeeper Distribution
Goalkeepers may not punt or drop-kick the ball in the air over the midfield line. Goalkeepers may play the ball from the turf or distribute from their hands without restriction.
Violations result in an indirect kick from midfield where the ball crossed the line.
Players receiving a caution (yellow card) must leave the field immediately for at least 2 minutes of game time. Players may be substituted during this time.
Players receiving two cautions in a game will immediately leave the field and may not be replaced. Players will serve a minimum of a one game suspension.
Players sent-off (red card) in a game will immediately leave the field and may not be replaced. Players will serve a minimum one game suspension. Players receiving a second red card during a season will serve a minimum two game suspension, and may be subject to further discipline.
All suspensions are to be served with the next played match.
The suspended player is not required to attend the next match. The suspended player should be noted on that match’s game report as serving a suspension; failing to do so may require the player to sit an additional match.
Players who play or attempt to play during a suspension will be suspended for the rest of the season and their team may face further penalties.
Any match that includes fighting, verbal or physical abuse of the referee, or violent conduct may be abandoned immediately. The match will not be rescheduled or replayed and the circumstances of the match will be reviewed by the league director, resulting in any of the following:
Teams with excessive cautions and send-offs may be subject to a full team suspension without refund, subject to the discretion of the league commissioner.
Any player suspected of suffering a concussion shall be required to obtain clearance from a licensed physician prior to being allowed to participate in the next game.
Teams are responsible for providing their own uniforms. Matching uniforms with numbers are encouraged, but not required, although the colors must be similar and may not conflict with the opposing team. Each team shall have two (2) distinct colored uniforms to help avoid color conflicts with the opposing team.
All players must wear shin guards. Any player not wearing shin guards is subject to a caution and will immediately be removed from play. Substitution or re-entry to play will be allowed by the referee at the next stoppage in play.
Soccer cleats are permitted. American Football Soccer cleats or spiked track shoes are not permitted.
Wedding bands (flat) are the only jewelry permitted during game play. No chains or other items around the neck are permitted. Fitbits or similar sorts tracking devices, bracelets/strings on wrists are not permitted unless covered by an athletic sweatband or tape.
Hard casts and braces are subject to the referee’s approval; if permitted, they must be covered and padded to the referee’s discretion.
Rubber soled (molded) cleats are permitted, but should be clean of any dirt before using them on turf; screw-in (metal studded) cleats are prohibited.
All participants and spectators are expected to keep their areas clean of any garbage (water bottles, tape, etc).
Parking is available at Langston Hughes Middle School both in a lot adjacent to the fields as well as near South Lakes High School.
Park only in designated spaces; do not park on grass or dirt areas.
Alcohol and smoking are prohibited at the fields or in the parking lot. There are several establishments that serve alcohol within 5 minutes of the fields.
For the safety of all participants, Great Falls Reston Soccer adheres to the following thunder and lightning policy: If you see lightning or hear thunder, coaches and players must immediately suspend all activity and all participants (players, coaches, spectators) should move to safe areas.
Each time thunder is heard or lightning is seen, play may not resume until 30 minutes has elapsed.This 30-minute wait period is restarted each time thunder is heard or lightning is seen. Referees are responsible for monitoring conditions and Team Captains should account for all players.
No one should take the field until 30 minutes have passed since the last thunder is heard or lightning is seen. Coaches who do not adhere to this policy are subject to suspension or other disciplinary action.
What is safe shelter?
What should you avoid?
For House/Recreational/Adult Programs:
(703) 859-6267
For Travel/Camps/Super Y/ Futsal:
(703) 957-0006
Mailing Address:
PO Box 836
Great Falls, Virginia 22066
Physical Address:
9913 Georgetown Pike, 2nd Floor
Great Falls, Virginia 22066
Office Hours:
By appointment
All Rights Reserved | Great Falls Reston Soccer Club
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