Strive for Excellence


4U - 19U

Great Falls Reston Soccer Club (GFRSC) offers several recreational programs designed to provide a fun environment for the player who desires to learn the game, advance ball-control skills, and participate in soccer games. All of our soccer programs are held outdoors unless otherwise indicated.

We actively encourage parents to volunteer to coach a team or to act as an assistant coach. No prior coaching experience or soccer knowledge is required. GFRSC holds coaches meetings and training opportunities. 

Players must register by birth year. Players can request to play up during the registration process. The request is reviewed prior to the start of the season. IF your child is approved to play up you will receive notification via email.

Please review the age group chart.

Registration for recreational soccer opens in early June for Fall and in early December for Spring. A $15 late fee takes effect at the end of on-time registration, some age groups or programs may also switch to waitlist.

Our practice and game schedules are based on coach and field availability, so we do not know specific schedules until after teams are formed near the beginning of the season. This information is released to registered players and their families only. Any fields posted are subject to change based on County permits and availability. 


Spring Registration is NOW OPEN! 

Important dates for the season:

EARLY registration: Through Dec 31 ($10 discount on many programs)
ON-TIME registration: starts January 1
LATE registration: ($15 late fee) date varies for each program but some age groups may go onto wait list

-- House (6U - 10U) soccer will start in early April and run through early June
Teams will be announced in LATE March

-- Recreational (11U - 19U) soccer will start in early April and run through early June
Teams will be announced in LATE March

-- Teams will not train or play on Easter or Memorial Day Weekends 

All dates are subject to change due to field availability/other governing bodies schedules. Please stay tuned for updates as we have them.


5U Jan. 1, 2020 - Dec. 31, 2021 2020/2021 Me & My Ball
6U Jan. 1, 2019- Dec. 31, 2019 2019 House League
7U Jan. 1, 2018 - Dec. 31, 2018 2018 House League or Pre-Travel
8U Jan. 1, 2017 - Dec. 31, 2017 2017 House League or Pre-Travel
9U Jan. 1, 2016 - Dec. 31, 2016 2016 House League or Travel
10U Jan. 1, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2015 2015 House League or Travel
11U Jan. 1, 2014 - Dec. 31, 2014 2014 Rec or Travel
12U Jan. 1, 2013 - Dec. 31, 2013 2013 Rec or Travel
13U Jan. 1, 2012 - Dec. 31, 2012 2012 Rec or Travel
14U Jan. 1, 2011 - Dec. 31, 2011 2011 Rec or Travel
16U Jan. 1, 2009 - Dec. 31, 2010 2009/2010 Rec or Travel
19U Jan. 1, 2006 - Dec. 31, 2008 2006/2007/2008 Rec or Travel


My Parent & Me soccer program is aimed at our youngest soccer players (2 and 3-year olds). The focus of the sessions will be to introduce players to the ABC's of soccer: Agility, Balance and Coordination, and to get them used to their growing bodies. This will be accomplished with fun, fantasy-type games, some with a soccer ball, but most modeled without a ball at first. The games and activities will help to develop cooperation, collaboration, confidence, and team-working skills, all while accompanied on the field by a parent. These games and activities are fun, extremely engaging, and social for the players. 

Players should wear comfortable athletic clothing and sneakers. Players should bring a size 3 ball and water to each session.

Registration Fee: 
$90 - late fee of $15 after March 1 Registration closes March 21st.


Eight 30-minute sessions and a GFR jersey

Saturdays at 11 am


Comfortable clothes, sneakers, size 3 ball, and water


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Administrator at


For our young players, Me & My Ball is an introductory-level recreational program designed to introduce children to the sport of soccer. This very popular 7-session program is run by professional soccer trainers who have extensive experience working with young players. Each 1-hour session focuses on learning basic ball-handling skills by playing fun games and drills. This program assists in the development of basic motor skills and promoting a healthy, active lifestyle. The coaches offer a nurturing environment where young players can begin to feel comfortable running and playing games with a soccer ball. 

Players should wear comfortable athletic clothing and a GFR jersey, sneakers or cleats, and shin guards. Players should bring a size 3 ball and water to each session.

Saturday Armstrong Elementary School 9, 10 or 11 AM Anticipated - April 5, 12, 26 May 3, 10, 17, 31 June 7 (Note: No sessions on Memorial Day weekend)
Thursday Nike 7 2PM Anticipated - April 10, 24 May 1, 8, 15, 22, 28 June 5 (Note : No session during FCPS Spring Break)

Registration Fee: 
Early Bird Dec 6-31 : $125
January 1 - February 28 : $135
March 1 - 21st : Late registration: $150 


Seven 1-hour sessions and a GFR jersey

Saturdays at 9, 10 or 11 AM
Thursday at 2pm


GFR jersey, sneakers or cleats, shin guards, size 3 ball and water


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Administrator at


Great Falls Reston Soccer’s House program for 6U players is an 8-week program that is coached by parents and volunteers. Girls and boys are mixed in the 6U age group.

The 6U program is offered once a week on Saturday afternoons at an elementary school in Reston. The first half of each hour-long session is spent on games and drills similar to those in the Me & My Ball program. The second half of the session involves playing small-sided soccer games against other teams in the league. The emphasis is on maximizing the time each individual player has on the ball while introducing the concept of scoring goals and facing an opponent. During these sessions, each volunteer coach is paired with a professional soccer trainer. This ensures that the quality of the sessions is high while providing hands-on training for our volunteer coaches.

As the players mature and develop, more complexity is introduced to the sessions and games. In U6, the games are played on smaller fields with PUGG goals in a 4v4 format where the coaches roll balls back into play. Teamwork, tactics, positions, and passing concepts becoming more and more prominent as the players mature and the field size expands. Nevertheless, our primary focus is, and should be, on the development of technical skills and player creativity.

A uniform consisting of a jersey, shorts and socks is included in the registration fee and will be handed out at the first session.  Players will need to wear sneakers or cleats (recommended), shin guards, and their GFR uniform to games. Players should bring a ball (Size 3) and water to all sessions. 

Saturday Reston Based Elementary School Historically between 12:30 - 4PM Anticipated Dates : April 5, 12, 26 May 3, 10, 17, 31 June 7 (Note: No sessions on Memorial Day weekend)

Registration Fee: 
Early Bird Dec 6 - 31 : $165
January 1 - February 28 : $175
After March 1st : Late registration: $190 (registration closes March 21) 


Eight 1-hour sessions and a uniform kit

Saturday afternoons at a Reston-based elementary school


GFR uniform, sneakers or cleats, shin guards, ball and water


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Administrator at


To supplement the coaching offered by our volunteers, Great Falls Reston Soccer offers "Academy” training during the week where all House players (6U-10U) receive additional coaching from GFRSC’s professional trainers with a focus on developing technical soccer skills. Beginning this season the first hour will be for players 6U-7U. The second hour will be for 8U-10U. This will allow for a smaller player to coach ratio for each session.

The House Academy is an 8-week training program offered on Tuesdays in South Reston or on Wednesdays in North Reston or Great Falls. Registration is free for 6U players, but registration is required to participate. 

Players should wear comfortable athletic clothing, sneakers or cleats (recommended), shin guards and bring a ball (size 3) and water to each session.

Tuesday Langston Hughe 6:30 to 7:30 PM April 8, 22, 29 May 6, 13, 20, 27 June 3
Wednesday Lake Fairfax 5:30 to 6:30 PM April 9, 23, 30 May 7, 14, 21, 28 June 4

Registration Fee: 
Free (for 6U players only)
Registration is REQUIRED and players MUST also participate in the House League. 
(Academy training is optional but 
strongly recommended for all House players.) 


Seven 1-hour training sessions

Tuesday in South Reston or Wednesday in North Reston/Great Falls


Comfortable athletic clothes, sneakers or cleats, shin guards, ball and water


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Administrator at


Great Falls Reston Soccer’s House program for U7-U10 players is a 7-week program that is coached by parents and volunteers. Beginning at U7, girls have the option of playing with the boys or playing in a “girls only” program. The U7-U10 program includes two 1-hour sessions every week. This typically consists of a team practice and a game on either Saturday morning (generally between 8 am and noon) or Sunday afternoon (generally between 12-6 pm). These sessions are conducted by volunteer parents and coaches. Practices will be held on Thursday or Friday evenings or Saturday mornings.

At U7, the field is expanded (from U6) and continue a 4v4 format. Throw-ins, goal kicks, and corner kicks are introduced at U8. By U9, our teams are playing on a much larger field, with traditional goals, goalies, a 7v7 format, and referees applying the laws of the game. Teamwork, tactics, positions, and passing concepts becoming more and more prominent as the players mature and the field size expands. Nevertheless, our primary focus is, and should be, on the development of technical skills and player creativity.

A uniform consisting of a jersey, shorts and socks is included in the registration fee and will be handed out at the first session. Players will need to wear sneakers or cleats (recommended), shin guards, and their GFR uniform to games. Comfortable athletic attire can be worn for practices. Players should bring a ball (Size 4) and water to all sessions.


  1. The games will consist of two 20 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime. The coaches should time the games. This timing allows for both teams to run a warm-up prior to the start of the game. Please try to be on time so each player can be a part of the warm-up and pre-game talk from their coach. Coaches should use their pop-up (pugg) goals for the games. A size 4 soccer ball should be used.
  2. These age groups play games with 4 on a side, and two fields playing at the same time. Players should be given equal playing time and not be limited to playing in a certain position. There are NO goalies at this age. One group of one team should switch fields at halftime, so the players can play against others.
  3. These age groups will play with kick-ins, goal kicks, and corner kicks. Coaches can be on the field and should cooperate as refs and coaches. 
  4. There should be no one standing behind the goal line. Unless a coach has asked you to chase balls back there.
  5. All players should be wearing their team jersey, proper footwear (soccer cleats or athletic shoes), and shin guards that are covered by socks. No jewelry should be worn during a game. You are not allowed to use bandaids to cover earrings.
  6. No food is allowed on the field.
  7. All spectators should allow the coaches to coach. Please cheer for the team in a positive manner.


  1. Players should be at the field at least 20 min prior to kick-off. This will allow for proper warm up and pre-game check-in by the referee. The game will consist of two 25-minute halves, with a 5 minute half-time. The referee will track the game time.
  2. These age groups play with 7 on a side, with one player being a goalie. Games can start with 6 players. If more players come, they may be substituted in at proper times signaled by the referee (throw-in, goal kick, after a goal is scored). All players should be given equal playing time and not limited to certain positions as best as possible. A size 4 soccer ball should be used.
  3. Coaches, players and spectators must stand a few yards back from the sidelines. Parents and spectators should sit on the opposite side of the field from the teams. We ask that spectators cheer in a positive manner.
  4. There should be no one standing behind the goal line. You may go behind the goal if you are going to grab a soccer ball to get it back in play.
  5. The referee will call offside and incorrect throw-ins will be a turnover.
  6. All players should be wearing their team jersey, proper footwear (soccer cleats or athletic shoes), and shin guards that are covered by socks. No jewelry should be worn during a game. You are not allowed to use bandaids to cover earrings.
  7. In case of an injury, the referee will assess the situation and then bring on the coach if necessary. A parent should not run onto the field. If necessary, the coach should call the parent over to the sideline after removing the injured player from the field.
  8. No food is allowed on the field.

GAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RAIN MAKEUP
Anticipated - Weekend of April 5 April 12 April 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 31 June 7 TBD - not all age groups will have make up games due to field availability

Registration Fee: 
Early Bird Dec 6-31 :  $165
January 1 - February 28th : $175
After March 1st : Late registration: $190 (some teams will go on waitlist at this time - registration closes March 21) 


Eight 1-hour practice sessions, 8 games and a uniform kit


Practices: Comfortable athletic clothes, cleats and shin guards, ball and water
Games: GFR uniform (jersey, shorts and socks), cleats and shin guards, ball and water


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Administrator at


To supplement the coaching offered by our volunteers, Great Falls Reston Soccer offers "Academy” training during the week where all House players (U6-U10) receive additional coaching from GFRSC’s professional trainers with a focus on developing technical soccer skills. The Academy program is recommended for all House players. 

Academy is an 8-week training program offered on Tuesdays in South Reston or on Wednesdays in North Reston/Great Falls. The session will split age groups up, with the first hour for U6-U8 players and the second hour for U9-U10 players. This will mean a smaller player to coach ratio, allowing for more instruction and individual attention for each player. 

Registration is required
 to participate. 

Players should wear comfortable athletic clothing, sneakers or cleats (recommended), shin guards and bring a ball (size 4) and water to each session. 

Tuesday Langston Hughes Milddle School U6-U8: 6:30 - 7:30 PM U9-U10 : 7:30-8:30 PM Anticipated : April 8, 22, 29 May 6, 13, 20, 27 June 3
Wednesday Lake Fairfax Field 6 U6-U8: 5:30 - 6:30 PM U9-U10 : 6:30 - 7:30 PM Anticipated - April 9, 23, 30 May 7, 14, 21, 28 June 4

Registration Fee: 


Seven 1-hour training sessions

Tuesday in South Reston or
Wednesday in North Reston/Great Falls


Comfortable athletic clothes, sneakers or cleats, shin guards, ball and water


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Administrator at


Our 11U and older recreational players play in a larger league run by the NCSL where they face teams from other soccer clubs in Northern Virginia. Click here to learn more about the league Players of all skill levels are welcome to register, as long as they are not participating on a travel team, and may only be registered on one recreational team per season.

U11+ Rec teams are coached by parent volunteer Coaches and can expect 2 practices on weekdays and 1 game on the weekend. Teams will play approximately half of their games at home and travel to their other games. GFRSC provides professional trainers once a week to rec teams in the 11U to 14U age groups, if requested. Teams in 11U and 12U play 9v9 while teams 13U and older play 11v11. 

The age groups for Spring 2025 are 11U (2014), 12U (2013), 13U (2012), 14U (2011), 16U (2010 and 2009) and 19U (2008, 2007, and 2006).

U11+ players wear a Great Falls Reston Soccer Club jersey (with a number on the back), black shorts, and royal blue socks. Players receive pre-assigned numbers. Soccer gear can be purchased at Sterling Soccer (47100 Community Plaza #128, Sterling, VA 20164). Please do NOT purchase your jersey until you have a number provided by the club. Soccer cleats and shin guards are required. Players should bring a ball and water to each practice and game.

Ball sizes:
11U-12U - size 4
13U-19U - size 5

Dates subject to change once official dates are announced by NCSL. 

Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (Rain Date)
Anticipated Weekend of April 5 April 12 April 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 31 June 7 TBD - handled by NCSL Rec

Registration Fee: 
Early Bird - Dec 6-31 = $165
On Time January 1 - February 28th - $175
Late  on or after March 1 = $190 (waitlists will begin for many teams at this point and limited registrations will be open after that time)


2 weekday practices + 1 weekend game (typically on Saturdays, but an occasional Sunday game may be necessary)


Practices: Comfortable athletic clothes, cleats and shin guards, ball and water
Games: GFR uniform (GFR blue jerseyblack shorts and blue socks), cleats and shin guards, ball and water


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Administrator at


Practices: Comfortable athletic clothes, cleats and shin guards, ball and water
Games: GFR uniform (GFR blue jerseyblack shorts and blue socks), cleats and shin guards, ball and water

TOPSoccer athletes are between 6 and 18 years of age with a disability including but not limited to: A.D.D., Autism, Hearing Impaired, Sight Impaired, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Seizure Disorder and Spinal Bifida.

Players will wear comfortable athletic clothing and their GFR jersey (handed out at the first session), sneakers or cleats, and shin guards. Players should also bring a ball and water to each session.

This program is held on Saturday afternoons on astroturf. 

Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Anticipated Dates April 5 April 12 April 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 31 June 7

Registration Fee: 


Eight 1-hour training sessions + a GFR jersey

Saturday afternoon on astroturf


Players should wear a GFR jersey, comfortable bottoms along with cleats or sneakers, and shin guards. Bring a ball and water.


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Administrator at

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