Great Falls Reston Soccer Club (GFRSC) offers several recreational programs designed to provide a fun environment for the player who desires to learn the game, advance ball-control skills, and participate in soccer games. All of our soccer programs are held outdoors unless otherwise indicated.
We actively encourage parents to volunteer to coach a team or to act as an assistant coach. No prior coaching experience or soccer knowledge is required. GFRSC holds coaches meetings and training opportunities.
Players must register by birth year. Players can request to play up during the registration process. The request is reviewed prior to the start of the season. IF your child is approved to play up you will receive notification via email. Please review the age group chart.
Registration for recreational soccer opens in early June for Fall and in early December for Spring. A $15 late fee takes effect at the end of on-time registration, some age groups or programs may also switch to waitlist.
Our practice and game schedules are based on coach and field availability, so we do not know specific schedules until after teams are formed near the beginning of the season. This information is released to registered players and their families only. Any fields posted are subject to change based on County permits and availability.